Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sam Harris on Sarah Palin...

I just came across this, its an excerpt from an article written by Sam Harris, supposedly a noted provocateur, who talks about Sarah Palin and elitism in this country. Excellently written, check it out (also a link to the full article at the end):

"The point to be lamented is not that Sarah Palin comes from outside Washington, or that she has glimpsed so little of the earth's surface (she didn't have a passport until last year), or that she's never met a foreign head of state. The point is that she comes to us, seeking the second most important job in the world, without any intellectual training relevant to the challenges and responsibilities that await her. There is nothing to suggest that she even sees a role for careful analysis or a deep understanding of world events when it comes to deciding the fate of a nation. In her interview with Gibson, Palin managed to turn a joke about seeing Russia from her window into a straight-faced claim that Alaska's geographical proximity to Russia gave her some essential foreign-policy experience. Palin may be a perfectly wonderful person, a loving mother and a great American success story—but she is a beauty queen/sports reporter who stumbled into small-town politics, and who is now on the verge of stumbling into, or upon, world history."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

playing with pictures

another logo idea...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Danny McBride saves the summer.

I know what you're thinking. 'But dudeman, it's like October WTF!'. To that I say shutup! Anyways this summer saw a lot of action at the movies. Comic heroes, comedy heroes, and the rest.... Batman made a huge splash, but the real hero this summer is the incomprable Danny McBride.

Let's start with Pineapple Express. The stoner 'bromantic' comedy featured Seth Rogen and a scruffed up James Franco as a smoker and dealer bonding over the course of several action packed scenes. We are introduced to Red (McBride) a sniveling, spineless, ex-hooker with a heart of gold. It's hard not to love him as he lay bleeding on the floor- 'Guys, I got your back' he says. Not a minute later the villains enter, at which point he instantly rats his friends out. His delivery was top notch the whole way through. As the shit hits the fan, a battered and bloody Red comes to the rescue of Rogen and Franco.

Now onto a lesser known movie, Tropic Thunder. In this McBride plays Cody, the pyrotechnic with a missing ear and finger. This was clearly McBrides time to shine and I am soooo grateful for Ben Stiller giving him the opportunity. In Thunder, again McBride comes to the rescue when the shit hits the fan. Spouting one-liners left and right -"Mother Nature just pissed her pantsuit!'- it became clear to me that McBride is on the way up.

'Fist Foot Way' is McBride's vehicle. And for all
 the praise I give him, I haven't seen it. Though word on the street is, it is awesome. I highly recommend you look up this genius, before they say you're just jumping on the bandwagon.

Big Ass TITTIES!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

City Nites and lights slide show!

Thank you guys for coming out, i had never really shown my pics and i had a blast at this event- only cause almost everyone went home with a piece of art, and that's what its really all about.
If you have any other pics of this or any event, please email us at mercurysoapbox@gmail.com

Hey guys! New logo idea/tiny flyer

Whats up y'all? 

I was working on this last night, just because hand-to-hand promotion is tough when you don't have a card or hand outs, so this tiny flyer will be going all around the city. This is the front side and the back side is basically going to say "free art sho". If you want to hand a few out or just have some handy to give to friends who are artists trying to show work or get involved, feel free to email us at mercurysoapbox@gmail.com or comment and make sure to leave your email so i can send it to you.

Have a great weekend, and remember the moving art sho "A Whirl Of Colors" is on tuesday and we're looking forward to a great time with all of you!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

a moving art sho

Hey Guys!
It's my pleasure to present to you the next free art sho from your champion of free expression,
A Whirl Of Colors
a moving art sho

The essence of this art sho is "moving art", which really includes all art because it moves us, but we will be taking a look at some art forms that really involve movement. We'll be showcasing video works by Carlos Sebastion Guzman and painted peices by Hope Spithaler, but that's not all. For your enjoyment, we will also have the musical stylings of DJ Komon holding us down, an acrobat displaying his skills, and body painting stations so we can all becoming moving art. As always the sho is free and at Club Europa. Here are the deets:

Mercury Soapbox Presents
a moving art sho
"A Whirl Of Colors"
Tuesday September 30th 9pm-12am
Club Europa
98 Meserole Ave.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Featuring: Carlos Sebastion Guzman, Hope Spithaler, FatTricks and DJ Komon!
FREE- 18 to Appreciate, 21 to Inebriate
Bring your camera and help us capture the magic!

image link: http://i32.photobucket.com/albums/d15/Elchu/movingart.jpg
CraigsList link: http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/eve/854647677.html


Nell Hernandez

Friday, September 19, 2008

Weekend Update

Hey guys, hows it going? Just want to get to a few points really quick before i have to run out for the weekend:
  • STOCKS SOARING ON FEDERAL PROMISE- Come on, you should know better. This country is in a terrible financial stat and the feds can't bail us out of anything. They certainly can't afford to keep printing more money.
  • NYPD REPORTS BLACKS AND LATINOS LEAD CRIME STATS - Apparently 88% of the people murdered in NYC so far this year have been black and hispanic. WTF? Why is that number so high? And the NYPD is saying "anecdotally... black and hispanic victims tend to be attacked by black and hispanic criminals." I dont know, sounds like something a racist white cop would say...
  • DUDE KICKS CAT - and for some reason, that's major news. Fuckin media is ridiculous sometimes.
  • WORLDS SMALLEST MAN VISITS NYC - and the pictures are awesome. Supposedly this guy is quite the ladies man.
  • MOVIES TO CONSIDER CHECKING OUT - Ghost town, Lakeview Terrace, Appaloosa. If you happen to catch one of these, write a review and we'll post it here :)
Peace y'all and have a great weekend.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Great weekend, how was yours?

I went to a great party this weekend and met a lot of amazing people. Keep your eyes and ears open for the next few events, which will be featuring all kinds of fun: from the Swirling Whirl of colors of the Moving Art Sho, to the new interactive format for the next Urban Art Sho, to interactive fashion, jewelry, sculpture and showcased music events!
Here's whats known for sure:
  • September 30th is the Mercury Soapbox moving art sho "A Whirl of Colors" - we are still booking body and face painters and looking for attendees who want to get painted...
  • October 15th will be the next Urban Art Sho - featuring GIC and Funkface on stage, 3 or 4 urban inspired artists, our collective art peice project and a hip hop jam session...
  • if you have an idea for an event you think would be cool, don't hesitate- participate! Let us know and we'll see what we can do!
See Ya Soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gina Gershon's Sarah Palin...

Holy crap. You might know her from Curb Your Enthusiasm or Face Off or anything else she's super hot in, but this lady is funny. Watch her spoofing VP Hopeful (and hopefully unsuccessful) Sarah Palin.
See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die

simple pleasures, intellectual food

check out my friend Hallie's blog, she finds some pretty fun stuff and likes to get people together...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Photo Recap from Urban Art Sho!

If you have any pictures from past Mercury Soapbox events, please email them to us so we can post them! Look out for throwback photo recaps from "City nites & Lites" and from "Rising Phoenix Photo Sho"! till then, enjoy....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Liz Lemon's pissed off...

Oh, man. Is Sarah Palin really gonna get elected by being the republican Liz Lemon doppelganger? 'Cause that would suck but it would make for a great 30 Rock gag...

Monday, September 8, 2008

City nites and lites...

My photo sho is tomorrow and i'm a little nervous. The dj had to take another gig last minute which sucks, but theres usually a dj at this venue anyway. I think i'm more nervous about having to display the pictures which is why i'm taking a more direct approach- handing people photo albums and letting them buy direct from the album. And if they're in the picture, they get the 50% model discount so that's pretty good too. i'm pretty psyched tho, i got some pretty great images and i'm bringing a bunch of personal ones too.
ciao for now brown cows



Avid Vulture's blog...

Look out for this guy, he's a great writer and finds some fun stuff online. Here's something pretty amazing from his page...

Friday, September 5, 2008

what a great blog site

This is really touching and beautiful, check it out. some of it will make you want to talk to your friends and family...


Unspoken Communication

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Mercury Soapbox Event!

The next event, free of course, will be Sept. 9th at Sapphire Lounge in the LES!

Heres the Facebook Event Link: http://www.new.facebook.com/event.php?eid=24513483642

Heres the CraigsListing: http://newyork.craigslist.org/mnh/eve/823568216.html