Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mercury Soapbox Benefit Sho!!

Mercu​ry Soapb​ox Prese​nts The Benef​it SHo!​!​ 
Raisi​ng money​ for Trans​ition​s Cambo​dia,​ a non-​profi​t that build​s homes​ for sexua​lly traff​icked​ teens​ and kids,​ throu​gh arts and music​!​ Come hang with us while​ we take in the artis​tic wonde​rment​ of Raque​l Manue​la,​ Jana Gouch​ev and Amand​a Perez​ AND music​al guest​s Sauce​,​ Mala Reign​z and many more!​!​
$5 Donat​ion
18 to appre​ciate​
21 to inebr​iate

Monday, November 17, 2008

Asking questions...

What's the council on foreign relations? what is AFRICOM and why isn't anyone talking about it? Why are there so many military installments of the US around the world? maybe we're in such a financial state because of so much military spending?
has obama spoken about any of the things on his agenda? what are those things? can he put dates on any of these key items? can we ask him questions about stuff? is he as accessible as his campaign made him to be?

what questions do you have?

Mercury Soapbox Banner!!

Please post this on your page guys, show your support and help us spread the word. ALSO!! If you've shown with us, you'll notice a link to your page along the right side here. If you guys could do us a big favor and return the love, we'd really appreciate it....

Mercury Soapbox
if you have to change it, make sure that the link goes to
let me know if you have trouble posting it on your page, i'll give you a hand...

Friday, November 14, 2008

T-Shirt Fashion Show Recap!!

Oh man! Once again, thanks to everyone who came out and had a good time with us. I'm still going through some of the pictures and posting them, but for the time being enjoy these pics! 
  • BIG SHOUT OUT to Curtis "Fresh" Franklin from Fashion Hurtz  who came thru strong with mad tee's and let most of us take one home!! I'll definitely be buying more....
  • ALSO BIG THANKS to Lady Potential who showed us some great works of art, which you can find in our slideshow as well as at her website.
Keep your eyes peeled for the other shots, coming soon and ALSO-
MERCURY SOAPBOX's Benefit Show, December 3rd!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mercury Soapbox Presents The T-Shirt Fashion Show!!

Mercury Soapbox Presents
The T-Shirt Fashion Show!

Free Show!!
Be a Model! Be a Photographer! 
Amazing T-shirt designers Fashion Hurtz, Wildcat, and Mike A. will be providing samples of tees for YOU to wear at the show! Photographers will shoot our impromptu models and trade pictures with designers and models for web sites, portfolios and more. Also featuring the art work of Lady Potential and the musical freshness of DJ komon, DJ E Money and guest MC's!
(be sure to bring ID to trade for t-shirt, if you want to kick some rhymes, contact DJ komon @ http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendid=75265220)

Wednesday November 12th
Club Europa
98 Meserole Ave
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY
18 to appreciate
21 to inebriate

Craigslist link: http://newyork.craigslist.org/brk/eve/909506155.html
Facebook Event Link: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=45517517574


It's a soapbox. People say if you have something important to say, you stand on top of this and say it.
- Huey Freeman

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Go 'Bama, but wtf happened to Prop 8?

Obama got elected! Terrific, great job getting the vote out. But what happened at the booths guys? i don't think everyone took a good look at the voting booth, because we slept on a few important propositions like Prop 8, a gay marriage ban that won 52 percent of votes yesterday in California and now threatens to nullify some 18,000 same-sex marriages. Another Prop that went the wrong way was Prop 5 (which would've allocated 460 million a year towards rehabilitation of non-violent drug offenders, freeing up prison resources, creating jobs, and giving people a chance to find their way out of a bad situation) voted no by 59.8%. 
take a look, leave a comment:
from the LA Times

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hip Hop Halloween Photo Recap!

Special thanks to our photographers for the night, Joe and the ever-lovely Tina!