Friday, October 3, 2008

Weekend Update!

What's up Y'all? Buncha stuff going on this weekend so let me get to it real quick likes. 
  • I'm still booking artists for "Auas" (pronounced ah-whass) - Another Urban Art Sho, so far i have 1 definite, 2 possible artists showing for that event which will include a live band, a freestyle session and another collective art piece, so please if you want to show or if you know someone who should, holla at a brother lol!
  • I'm also booking things for our first non-free event :( but charging a tiny tiny cover is the only way we'll be able to afford all the cool stuff we want to do for this party. Its gonna be the Hip Hop Halloween Party (october 29) and it'll feature, amongst other things, a zombie dance off, a haunted house for your hands, goodie bags, face painting and possibly a polaroid station. If you can give us a hand with this event, we'd really appreciate the help, just let us know in what capacity you can pitch in...
  • I want to have a literary event soon and include some slam poetry, a short story reading, maybe even a table read of a play or screenplay. if this is up your alley, feel free to contact us.
  • Sunday! is the Atlantic Antic, a festival in brooklyn that has good food, free music, bar specials, artists and designers showcasing their stuff, so if you get a chance I'd recommend checking that out.
  • {EDIT} The pictures and recap from this weeks "Whirl of Colors" event will be up by monday (hopefully ;) ).
anything else? did i forget something?
Oh yeah, if you want an authorship so you can write stuff on the Mercury Soapbox Blog, just let me know and i'll shoot one over to you rikki-tik. (lol, komon thats the last time i'm gonna use that!)
Have a great weekend y'all and remember:
Express yourself freely and safely!
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