Monday, December 29, 2008

If This Isn't Irony, I'm Not Sure What Else Is

Submitted by OhSnaps!

So, the government in the end decided to bail out the Big 3 motor companies of the US: Ford, GM and Chrysler, with a nice, ripe figure just shy of $17 billion. Fantastic; people still have their jobs, social security isn't losing a massive amount of depositors, and the American Dream is still alive.
I wish the government had done a little market research before they decided to gift a federal loan to these companies. For the last...umm...I don't remember how many years now, Toyota has been the American favorite brand of car. And though the American car companies produce a seemingly viable product - who really drives Fords, Chrysler's and GM's?
American cars brands have been fighting tooth and nail for marketshare in the modern world since "imports" were introduced to Americans. Since then, the American car companies have sought after to acquire or merge with non-American brands to expand marketshare and what I'm assuming was a move to make themselves look prettier to Americans. Daimler-Chrysler was a merger between Chrysler and Mercedes-Benz (a German based car company) in 1998. Ford owns brands such as Aston Martin (English based car company), Jaguar (English based car company), Land Rover (English/Welsh based car company) and Volvo (Swedish based car company). 
While I will note, in fairness, that American car companies have done their share to stay in the spotlight alongside the import brands and have gone to great lengths to make their cars economical and environmentally resposible - they're still second best, if that.
So when I came accross this article today [follow the link:] , I wasn't suprrised to read what it said.
I am appalled, however, that the government chose to prolong the inevitable - which the cost, would inevitably come out of MY pocket (and yours too).
I think that the American car companies are experiencing the ebb and flow of capitalism and big business. Nothing lasts forever - we all know this. Businesses come and go - and while its normal to compete for your place in the world, particularly in business, the day will come when you must close that file and move on, cut your losses - that sort of thing.
It's natural - I think. Like Darwin studied and theorized, it's survival of the fittest. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and if you can't hack it, maybe you should rethink what you had planned because it obviously isn't working. So maybe that should've been the fate of these 3 car companies. Don't get me wrong, I'm very patriotic, I love my country and love the American dollar. While, it sometimes burns me to see my hard earned money going into some Japanese dude's pocket (because I happen to really like Nissan's) they, at the end of the day, provide a better product.
Will the bailout help prevent these companies from going bankrupt? I highly doubt it. Would the benefit outweigh the cost? Don't think so. It seems as the years go on, these companies are doing progessively and consistently worse in their annual reportings. (To be fair, Toyota is anticipating reporting a loss for the first time since 1950 in their upcomping reporting period.)
It's a lost cause!! Why, oh why, goverment, would you help this already painfully sinking ship? Could the money have not been better invested elsewhere where the return was almost gauranteed and not at a diminishing rate? Look at our economy!!! Don't you realize how we GOT HERE? Borrowing money isn't FREE!!!!
Fund our future, please! Stop trying to preserve the past. Our children will lead us out of this, if only we give them the opportunity and tools to do so.
You're shooting us in the foot, I hope you realize.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mercury Soapbox Benefit Sho!!

Mercu​ry Soapb​ox Prese​nts The Benef​it SHo!​!​ 
Raisi​ng money​ for Trans​ition​s Cambo​dia,​ a non-​profi​t that build​s homes​ for sexua​lly traff​icked​ teens​ and kids,​ throu​gh arts and music​!​ Come hang with us while​ we take in the artis​tic wonde​rment​ of Raque​l Manue​la,​ Jana Gouch​ev and Amand​a Perez​ AND music​al guest​s Sauce​,​ Mala Reign​z and many more!​!​
$5 Donat​ion
18 to appre​ciate​
21 to inebr​iate

Monday, November 17, 2008

Asking questions...

What's the council on foreign relations? what is AFRICOM and why isn't anyone talking about it? Why are there so many military installments of the US around the world? maybe we're in such a financial state because of so much military spending?
has obama spoken about any of the things on his agenda? what are those things? can he put dates on any of these key items? can we ask him questions about stuff? is he as accessible as his campaign made him to be?

what questions do you have?

Mercury Soapbox Banner!!

Please post this on your page guys, show your support and help us spread the word. ALSO!! If you've shown with us, you'll notice a link to your page along the right side here. If you guys could do us a big favor and return the love, we'd really appreciate it....

Mercury Soapbox
if you have to change it, make sure that the link goes to
let me know if you have trouble posting it on your page, i'll give you a hand...

Friday, November 14, 2008

T-Shirt Fashion Show Recap!!

Oh man! Once again, thanks to everyone who came out and had a good time with us. I'm still going through some of the pictures and posting them, but for the time being enjoy these pics! 
  • BIG SHOUT OUT to Curtis "Fresh" Franklin from Fashion Hurtz  who came thru strong with mad tee's and let most of us take one home!! I'll definitely be buying more....
  • ALSO BIG THANKS to Lady Potential who showed us some great works of art, which you can find in our slideshow as well as at her website.
Keep your eyes peeled for the other shots, coming soon and ALSO-
MERCURY SOAPBOX's Benefit Show, December 3rd!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Mercury Soapbox Presents The T-Shirt Fashion Show!!

Mercury Soapbox Presents
The T-Shirt Fashion Show!

Free Show!!
Be a Model! Be a Photographer! 
Amazing T-shirt designers Fashion Hurtz, Wildcat, and Mike A. will be providing samples of tees for YOU to wear at the show! Photographers will shoot our impromptu models and trade pictures with designers and models for web sites, portfolios and more. Also featuring the art work of Lady Potential and the musical freshness of DJ komon, DJ E Money and guest MC's!
(be sure to bring ID to trade for t-shirt, if you want to kick some rhymes, contact DJ komon @

Wednesday November 12th
Club Europa
98 Meserole Ave
Greenpoint, Brooklyn, NY
18 to appreciate
21 to inebriate

Craigslist link:
Facebook Event Link:


It's a soapbox. People say if you have something important to say, you stand on top of this and say it.
- Huey Freeman

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Go 'Bama, but wtf happened to Prop 8?

Obama got elected! Terrific, great job getting the vote out. But what happened at the booths guys? i don't think everyone took a good look at the voting booth, because we slept on a few important propositions like Prop 8, a gay marriage ban that won 52 percent of votes yesterday in California and now threatens to nullify some 18,000 same-sex marriages. Another Prop that went the wrong way was Prop 5 (which would've allocated 460 million a year towards rehabilitation of non-violent drug offenders, freeing up prison resources, creating jobs, and giving people a chance to find their way out of a bad situation) voted no by 59.8%. 
take a look, leave a comment:
from the LA Times

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hip Hop Halloween Photo Recap!

Special thanks to our photographers for the night, Joe and the ever-lovely Tina!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Viva La Hova (or Coldjay) is a mixtape by Mick Boogie and Terry Urban that mashes up Coldplay songs with Jay favorites. Cookin' Soul has been known for their awesome mixtapes recently, and this is no exception. This tape is seriously well done. It definately tops the oJAYsis (Jay Z and Oasis, if you uh... didn't catch that) mixtape they dropped not long ago.Be sure to check out Never changing and a spy's prayer (tracks 4 and 9).

Grab the mixtape over at it's site-

Another wonderfully joyous night of art and music...

Oh, man what a night! We had a blast and as the pictures come rolling in, i'll be editting and posting them. Really quick, i want to shout a few people out for comin thru...
  • Big props go to Gully, Rabbi Darkside, Raquel Manuela and Jon Axelrod for doing their respective thing. There was a lot of talent in the room and everyone in attendance had their wigs blown back by the art and music.
  • Of course big shouts to the Mercury Soapbox family (including but not limited to): Komon, E Money, DanSke, Kenneth, Tina & Tania! You guys make it work, and i thank you from the corazon.
  • Big ups to Cathleen, who kept the drinks flowin and volume turned up, lol.
  • oh yeah, A GIANT BOO! to the douches smoking in the bathroom. According to several sources a trio comprised of cops and soldiers swaddled into our spot, burned up some pot in the bathroom and then did the quick dip when Cath brought it to our attention. My peeps know when and where to burn, and we don't shit where we eat...
I'll be updating soon, so stay tuned.
oh yeah- danny, that mortician line killed 'em!
Peace Y'all!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Mercury Soapbox Presents 
Hip Hop Halloween!! 

Art by Raquel Manuela Colon, Jon Axelrod and Kasso 
Music by DJ Komon, also DJ E Money and guest MC's spitting freestyle 
Fun stuff like mini pumpkin painting, gift bags with candy and toys, and a prize for best costume! 

October 29th 
9-12 midnite 
98 Meserole Ave 
Greenpoint Brooklyn 
18 to appreciate 
21 to inebriate 


Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Great Historical NY

just found a couple really awesome pics and some cool blogs. when you can, try searching flickr for old pictures by tyonig in something like "new york 1920" and you find some great stuff.
These are from bobster1985's photostream:

Monday, October 20, 2008

Auas Recap

Hey Y'all!
Man this turn out was great, so great that we have to post 4 separate slide shows to show how much fun we had. The first two are courtesy of Tina :) our ever-present ever-awesome family photog and the third is courtesy of Jeanette L. Thanks y'all and please keep sending in your pics!

I'll add the third one this afternoon...

DON't FORGET- Mercury Soapbox's Hip Hop Halloween Party featuring art, music and interactive fun OCTOBER 29TH!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

AUAS: A Smashing Success!

Whew! That was crazy!! The night started off very stressful because our live band, GIC & FunkFace, flaked out last minute and we had promised everyone live hip hop. Well instead we ended up inviting MC's in the crowd to jump on stage and take turns beating down the mic and it rocked!! The crowd was going, people were dancing to the phat beats, courtesy of DJ Komon and DJ E Money, and just generally having a great time! Our featured artists, Seanne Catedral and Amanda Perez, hit it off and checked out each others work while the crowed browsed they're inspired works and bobbed their heads to the tasty tunes in the air.

All the pictures are going to come soon, i'll start posting them as early as this afternoon. A few things to remember - 
  • PLEASE, if you have pictures, email them to, that way we can post them and everyone can enjoy :)
  • If you showed at a Mercury Soapbox event or freestyled or performed- please send us a link at so ppl can check out your page. I'll put a link right over here ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
    in the buddy blogs section or in the ms family links. I only ask that you return the love and post a link on your page.
  • Next few events - Oct. 29th>Hip Hop Halloween Party, November 12th>Kick and Tee Fashion Sho (if you know t-shirt designers or kick customizers, tell them to please contact us), November 26th>Grateful and Giving Charity Party (still working out details, but will be showcasing many bands so please contact us if you want to play)
  • If you guys have any ideas for events, please hit us up and let us know...
Ciao for now Brown Cows!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

I was going to wait until tomorrow...

after the AUAS event, but a few things need to be addressed.

  • THE DEBATE - The last Presidential debate is going to be held tomorrow night. It looks like most people i've spoken to either already know who they're voting for or have decided not to vote. Strangely enough though, the people i know that are not voting are the ones doing research on both candidates, the last three administrations, and the patterns of political (and thus) world history. It seems that many voters are listening to only their party's words, promises and excuses and not actively seeking the truth from their candidates. In one of my first posts, i asked for a time specific result from Senator Obama and i have yet to hear a promise for one. Just do your research, learn who your candidates are, how they got to be where they are, double and cross check your references (dont get everything from but dont get everything from either) and make your own decision when you vote. But please vote.
  • THE SHOWS - The shows are doing pretty well right now, we're very happy with the crowd and their enthusiasm for our interactive fun at the events. We've done collective art work (a personal fav), body and face painting, polaroid shooting and more. BUT we want to expand into other medias like sculpture, glass works, jewelry, clothing, sneakers, metal work- we have dozens of direction to go but we need your help. Soon we'll be taking donations, nothing's obligated but every bit helps, to help us keep new, interesting and fun events coming to you and keep helping all artists get the exposure they need and deserve.
  • THE LINE-UP - The next few shows are as follows: October 29th>Hip Hop Halloween Party, November 12th>Event TBD, November 26th>Untitled Thanksgiving Eve Party
Till next time, hope to see you tomorrow!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Public Litmus Lists...

Ten Movies about Crooked Cops
  1. Street Kings
  2. The Departed
  3. Dirty
  4. Corky Romano
  5. Super Troopers
  6. Colors
  7. Dark Blue
  8. Bad Lieutenant
  9. Beverly Hills Cop

Best Place you've had sex in
  1. Central Park
  2. 7 Train
  3. AirFrance
  4. Roof of University Student Center
  5. Boat
  6. Your Mom's House
  7. Bathroom at Burger King
  8. In my car with my friend driving
  9. just now in the bathroom
Ten best Musicians of our time
  1. Trent Reznor
  2. Nas
  3. Notorious BIG
  4. Miles Davis
  5. Bjork
  6. Daft Punk
  7. NinjaSonik
  8. Brad of Sublime
  9. Stevie Wonder
  10. Shyne
Ten Movies with War
  1. Saving Private Ryan
  2. Black Hawk Down
  3. Full Metal Jacket
  4. Thin Red Line
  5. Apocalypse Now Redux
  6. Forest Gump
  7. Tropic Thunder
  8. Pearl Harbor
  9. Gone with the Wind
  10. Atonement
Ten Best Characters From Books
  1. Juice Terry from Glue 
  2. Harry Potter
  3. Sookie Stackhouse from Dead Before Dark
  4. Holly Golightly from Breakfast at Tiffany's
  5. Edward Cullen from Twilight
  6. Kilgore Trout
  7. Tyler Durden from Fight Club
  8. Emett Cullen from Twilight
  9. Pip Longstocking
  10. Holden from Catcher in the Rye
Feel free to comment on any of these, they're no in any kind of order, but think about how they relate to each other and wht these lists might have to do with one another.....

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mercury Soapbox Presents Another Urban Art Show!

Mercury Soapbox Presents
Another Urban Art Sho!
Featuring: GIC and FunkFace performing live music, Artists Seanne Catedral and Amanda Perez and Dj Komon on the 1's and 2's.

Club Europa
98 Meserole Ave
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
18 to appreciate
21 to inebriate
9pm to 12 midnite

SO heres the fun and crazy:
The Mercury Soapbox Collective Grafitti Piece - Calling all spray can artists, creative types and fingerpainters, lol, we need you to help us create art. Our last piece is amazing and we're gonna make more.
A live band freestyle jam: This ones for the MC's, lyricists and beatboxers - we're gonna jam out and fill the night air with sweet delicious tunes.

(if you want to sign up for a crack at the mic, contact with oct 15 in the subject)


Monday, October 6, 2008

A Whirl of Colors Recap

Hey y'all!

We had a freakin' blast as usual! Unfortunately we have to move to Wednesdays for a while, and we hope that still works for you because we have great events coming up.

The moving art show was a smashing success! We had Hope Spithaler showing her amazing pieces of work and creating new ones by body and face painting our crowd, Carlos Sebastian Guzman hooked up our eye-grapes with two of his short films (albeit without sound) and FatTricks flipped us out with his twisting aerial maneuvers. Check the pics in the slide show!

Mercury Soapbox Update!

Hey Guys!

First of all I want to thank all of you for coming out and continuing to support Mercury Soapbox, free art and expression. I'm getting closer and closer every day to establishing Mercury Soapbox as a First Amendment Platform, meaning that we are here for you to be able to express yourself freely. Ok , now some quick updates:

  • First of all a HUGE THANK YOU to our featured artists from the "Whirl of Colors" event, Hope Spithaler, Carlos Sebastian Guzman and FatTricks. We got started a little late but we got it in, got it done and had a lot of fun. Hope canvassed peices were amazing and full of color, Carlos' work inspired a different view of things we see everyday and FatTricks wowed us with his graceful explosions of human flippery! It was insane, make sure to check out the pics and comment.

  • Let me take this chance to introduce DJ Komon, who courageously djed the "Whirl of Colors" event with shaky equipment and burned-a-second-ago tracks. He still managed keep our heads banging and bodies moving all night, and now he's going to be Mercury Soapbox' resident DJ!

  • NEXT EVENT!! Mercury Soapbox Presents AUAS Another Urban Art Sho Featuring GIC and FunkFace, a live hip hop band, doing a few bangers to rock to, another public collective graffitti peice, of course free art to see and (what!?) a live band freestyle jam! If you rock the mic or want to jam with pro's hit us up asap, theres a list growing...

  • And lastly, the next 2 events are the "Hip Hop Halloween Party" on october 29th with scary goodness, zombie dance offs, face painting and a haunted house for your hands, and an untitled interactive literary event november 12th (still working out deets on that one)
We're always looking for artists that want to show or or musicians that want to play. If you have an opinion on something, comment and lets chat. We'll be posting public opinions lists, just fun little lists people at the events fill out together. You'd be surprised what pops into your head, lol!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Hilarious Palin Flowchart...

I wonder what George W. Bush's looks like...

Friday, October 3, 2008

Weekend Update!

What's up Y'all? Buncha stuff going on this weekend so let me get to it real quick likes. 
  • I'm still booking artists for "Auas" (pronounced ah-whass) - Another Urban Art Sho, so far i have 1 definite, 2 possible artists showing for that event which will include a live band, a freestyle session and another collective art piece, so please if you want to show or if you know someone who should, holla at a brother lol!
  • I'm also booking things for our first non-free event :( but charging a tiny tiny cover is the only way we'll be able to afford all the cool stuff we want to do for this party. Its gonna be the Hip Hop Halloween Party (october 29) and it'll feature, amongst other things, a zombie dance off, a haunted house for your hands, goodie bags, face painting and possibly a polaroid station. If you can give us a hand with this event, we'd really appreciate the help, just let us know in what capacity you can pitch in...
  • I want to have a literary event soon and include some slam poetry, a short story reading, maybe even a table read of a play or screenplay. if this is up your alley, feel free to contact us.
  • Sunday! is the Atlantic Antic, a festival in brooklyn that has good food, free music, bar specials, artists and designers showcasing their stuff, so if you get a chance I'd recommend checking that out.
  • {EDIT} The pictures and recap from this weeks "Whirl of Colors" event will be up by monday (hopefully ;) ).
anything else? did i forget something?
Oh yeah, if you want an authorship so you can write stuff on the Mercury Soapbox Blog, just let me know and i'll shoot one over to you rikki-tik. (lol, komon thats the last time i'm gonna use that!)
Have a great weekend y'all and remember:
Express yourself freely and safely!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

good words from craigslist...

Found this on craigslist it raises an interesting point...

"According to the authors of He’s Just Not That Into You, the only reason a man doesn’t approach a woman is because he doesn’t want to. “If he likes you, trust me, he will ask you out,” they write. Mason Grigsby, co-author of Love at Second Sight, agrees, to a certain extent. “If a guy doesn’t feel there’s an attraction, he won’t ask,” he says. “That’s just human nature. But historically, men have always had to approach women. And if you talk to men about how often they get rejected, they’ll tell you—it gets wearing after a while.”" 

"So wearing that they’ve simply given up asking? “Maybe men are afraid of rejection,” he says. “They’ve lost confidence. Their egos aren’t that good. My number-one dating tip for women is to be proactive about meeting people. If you’re in an elevator with a guy with a nice-looking tie, comment on it. It lets the man know you’re open to a conversation. Most men think women are not open to conversation, they’ve been shut down so much. You’ve got to let people know that you’re open and friendly.”"

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sam Harris on Sarah Palin...

I just came across this, its an excerpt from an article written by Sam Harris, supposedly a noted provocateur, who talks about Sarah Palin and elitism in this country. Excellently written, check it out (also a link to the full article at the end):

"The point to be lamented is not that Sarah Palin comes from outside Washington, or that she has glimpsed so little of the earth's surface (she didn't have a passport until last year), or that she's never met a foreign head of state. The point is that she comes to us, seeking the second most important job in the world, without any intellectual training relevant to the challenges and responsibilities that await her. There is nothing to suggest that she even sees a role for careful analysis or a deep understanding of world events when it comes to deciding the fate of a nation. In her interview with Gibson, Palin managed to turn a joke about seeing Russia from her window into a straight-faced claim that Alaska's geographical proximity to Russia gave her some essential foreign-policy experience. Palin may be a perfectly wonderful person, a loving mother and a great American success story—but she is a beauty queen/sports reporter who stumbled into small-town politics, and who is now on the verge of stumbling into, or upon, world history."

Sunday, September 28, 2008

playing with pictures

another logo idea...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Danny McBride saves the summer.

I know what you're thinking. 'But dudeman, it's like October WTF!'. To that I say shutup! Anyways this summer saw a lot of action at the movies. Comic heroes, comedy heroes, and the rest.... Batman made a huge splash, but the real hero this summer is the incomprable Danny McBride.

Let's start with Pineapple Express. The stoner 'bromantic' comedy featured Seth Rogen and a scruffed up James Franco as a smoker and dealer bonding over the course of several action packed scenes. We are introduced to Red (McBride) a sniveling, spineless, ex-hooker with a heart of gold. It's hard not to love him as he lay bleeding on the floor- 'Guys, I got your back' he says. Not a minute later the villains enter, at which point he instantly rats his friends out. His delivery was top notch the whole way through. As the shit hits the fan, a battered and bloody Red comes to the rescue of Rogen and Franco.

Now onto a lesser known movie, Tropic Thunder. In this McBride plays Cody, the pyrotechnic with a missing ear and finger. This was clearly McBrides time to shine and I am soooo grateful for Ben Stiller giving him the opportunity. In Thunder, again McBride comes to the rescue when the shit hits the fan. Spouting one-liners left and right -"Mother Nature just pissed her pantsuit!'- it became clear to me that McBride is on the way up.

'Fist Foot Way' is McBride's vehicle. And for all
 the praise I give him, I haven't seen it. Though word on the street is, it is awesome. I highly recommend you look up this genius, before they say you're just jumping on the bandwagon.

Big Ass TITTIES!!!!

Friday, September 26, 2008

City Nites and lights slide show!

Thank you guys for coming out, i had never really shown my pics and i had a blast at this event- only cause almost everyone went home with a piece of art, and that's what its really all about.
If you have any other pics of this or any event, please email us at

Hey guys! New logo idea/tiny flyer

Whats up y'all? 

I was working on this last night, just because hand-to-hand promotion is tough when you don't have a card or hand outs, so this tiny flyer will be going all around the city. This is the front side and the back side is basically going to say "free art sho". If you want to hand a few out or just have some handy to give to friends who are artists trying to show work or get involved, feel free to email us at or comment and make sure to leave your email so i can send it to you.

Have a great weekend, and remember the moving art sho "A Whirl Of Colors" is on tuesday and we're looking forward to a great time with all of you!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

a moving art sho

Hey Guys!
It's my pleasure to present to you the next free art sho from your champion of free expression,
A Whirl Of Colors
a moving art sho

The essence of this art sho is "moving art", which really includes all art because it moves us, but we will be taking a look at some art forms that really involve movement. We'll be showcasing video works by Carlos Sebastion Guzman and painted peices by Hope Spithaler, but that's not all. For your enjoyment, we will also have the musical stylings of DJ Komon holding us down, an acrobat displaying his skills, and body painting stations so we can all becoming moving art. As always the sho is free and at Club Europa. Here are the deets:

Mercury Soapbox Presents
a moving art sho
"A Whirl Of Colors"
Tuesday September 30th 9pm-12am
Club Europa
98 Meserole Ave.
Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Featuring: Carlos Sebastion Guzman, Hope Spithaler, FatTricks and DJ Komon!
FREE- 18 to Appreciate, 21 to Inebriate
Bring your camera and help us capture the magic!

image link:
CraigsList link:


Nell Hernandez

Friday, September 19, 2008

Weekend Update

Hey guys, hows it going? Just want to get to a few points really quick before i have to run out for the weekend:
  • STOCKS SOARING ON FEDERAL PROMISE- Come on, you should know better. This country is in a terrible financial stat and the feds can't bail us out of anything. They certainly can't afford to keep printing more money.
  • NYPD REPORTS BLACKS AND LATINOS LEAD CRIME STATS - Apparently 88% of the people murdered in NYC so far this year have been black and hispanic. WTF? Why is that number so high? And the NYPD is saying "anecdotally... black and hispanic victims tend to be attacked by black and hispanic criminals." I dont know, sounds like something a racist white cop would say...
  • DUDE KICKS CAT - and for some reason, that's major news. Fuckin media is ridiculous sometimes.
  • WORLDS SMALLEST MAN VISITS NYC - and the pictures are awesome. Supposedly this guy is quite the ladies man.
  • MOVIES TO CONSIDER CHECKING OUT - Ghost town, Lakeview Terrace, Appaloosa. If you happen to catch one of these, write a review and we'll post it here :)
Peace y'all and have a great weekend.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Great weekend, how was yours?

I went to a great party this weekend and met a lot of amazing people. Keep your eyes and ears open for the next few events, which will be featuring all kinds of fun: from the Swirling Whirl of colors of the Moving Art Sho, to the new interactive format for the next Urban Art Sho, to interactive fashion, jewelry, sculpture and showcased music events!
Here's whats known for sure:
  • September 30th is the Mercury Soapbox moving art sho "A Whirl of Colors" - we are still booking body and face painters and looking for attendees who want to get painted...
  • October 15th will be the next Urban Art Sho - featuring GIC and Funkface on stage, 3 or 4 urban inspired artists, our collective art peice project and a hip hop jam session...
  • if you have an idea for an event you think would be cool, don't hesitate- participate! Let us know and we'll see what we can do!
See Ya Soon!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Gina Gershon's Sarah Palin...

Holy crap. You might know her from Curb Your Enthusiasm or Face Off or anything else she's super hot in, but this lady is funny. Watch her spoofing VP Hopeful (and hopefully unsuccessful) Sarah Palin.
See more Gina Gershon videos at Funny or Die

simple pleasures, intellectual food

check out my friend Hallie's blog, she finds some pretty fun stuff and likes to get people together...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Photo Recap from Urban Art Sho!

If you have any pictures from past Mercury Soapbox events, please email them to us so we can post them! Look out for throwback photo recaps from "City nites & Lites" and from "Rising Phoenix Photo Sho"! till then, enjoy....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Liz Lemon's pissed off...

Oh, man. Is Sarah Palin really gonna get elected by being the republican Liz Lemon doppelganger? 'Cause that would suck but it would make for a great 30 Rock gag...

Monday, September 8, 2008

City nites and lites...

My photo sho is tomorrow and i'm a little nervous. The dj had to take another gig last minute which sucks, but theres usually a dj at this venue anyway. I think i'm more nervous about having to display the pictures which is why i'm taking a more direct approach- handing people photo albums and letting them buy direct from the album. And if they're in the picture, they get the 50% model discount so that's pretty good too. i'm pretty psyched tho, i got some pretty great images and i'm bringing a bunch of personal ones too.
ciao for now brown cows


Avid Vulture's blog...

Look out for this guy, he's a great writer and finds some fun stuff online. Here's something pretty amazing from his page...

Friday, September 5, 2008

what a great blog site

This is really touching and beautiful, check it out. some of it will make you want to talk to your friends and family...

Unspoken Communication

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

New Mercury Soapbox Event!

The next event, free of course, will be Sept. 9th at Sapphire Lounge in the LES!

Heres the Facebook Event Link:

Heres the CraigsListing:

Friday, August 29, 2008

Obama must be accountable...

People are throwing a lot of promises around these days, just like every 4 years around this time. Personally I like Senator Obama for many reasons, but I DON'T TRUST POLITICIANS! So here's, what i propose- we must ask Mr. Obama to take immediate action towards positive change if he does indeed become president. This change must be obvious and drastic and must occur within the first six months of his presidency. Anything less and i'm afraid i will believe he is just another politician in a long line of corporate-owned White House lawn jockeys, pushed into office by evil corporations to make us believe in the charade they've been calling democracy.

This, however, requires us to be specific about the things we need. So, what do you want from President Obama in the first 6 months of his tenure as president as proof that he is representing the voice, views and beliefs of his constituents?

I will put mine down first: There are about 142,000 troops in Iraq- I expect you to bring home 25,000 at the very least in your first six months (beginning with those who were stop-lossed), as well as establish a timetable to remove all of our troops from the middle east.

Who's next?

Hottest Charity Work Ever...

Katy Perry gets her breasts molded for a Breast Cancer Charity. Is there a Prostate Cancer Charity i can do this for?

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Truth from craigslist...

Check this out, it's a craigslist posting responding to a sort of verbal attack, but i like the honesty in this...

RE: love on the rocks
You know how many guys are here posting for women they love? You also need to understand that those men you call "cowards" are not cowards. The men that look at their shoes and are shy are the ones that see the inherent beauty and power of the female or that female. These men see you as equal while the "courageous" ones see you as beneath them. Think about it. How is a man that sees the beauty and power of the female going to act in an extremely male driven society?

heres the original post:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Adam Suerte's New Website

Adam Suerte is an old drinking buddy of mine, lol, and a gifted artist and tattooer. You might recognize his style from the Rock Band video game and assorted brooklynites everywhere.


Existential Highway

Monday, August 25, 2008

WTC 7 Brought down by Fires?

Are you serious? Do you guys really expect us to beleive this shit? They said a skyscraper had never been brought down by fire before, making this "an extrordinary event". Extrodinary? is that what you call it when the FUCKING LAWS OF PHYSICS CEASE TO EXIST?

More will come but let me know what you think...

Friday, August 15, 2008

A Definitive Dark Knight Review?

I think i was the last person on the planet to see this film. After seeing it, i have no idea what took me so long to see it. This film was so massive, so strong and relevant that it shook me to the core. lets see if i can break this down into bullets...
  • Aaron Eckhart as Harvey Dent was spectacular. His character was referred to as the "light of the city" and his performance in the film was a true reflection of that. His optimistically brazen Harvey enlightened and inspired while his broken and scarred Harvey showed a stark and fierce contrast to all other characters in the film.
  • Christian Bale. Duh.
  • Heath Ledger's death genuinely affected me because i always knew that he had this kind of performance inside of him. His joker will inspire debates on the nature of humanity, morality vs supposed morality, establishment vs chaos, etc. etc. Plus the voice, the laugh, the mannerisms were all perfect.
  • Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine are an amazing supporting cast, providing intelligent and cautious father figures for the otherwise headstrong, stubborn and foresight lacking Bruce.

The intensity of this film makes it difficult to discuss it because i havent really had time to process everything that i'm feeling from it, and there is a lot to feel. The Joker was a stumbling wrecking ball of truth, anarchy and logic who's assumption of the dark nature of humanity is nearly spot on, so much so that he is able to capture not only his Gotham audience but also his real world audience.

i will add more soon, but dont be afraid to chime in....

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Mercury Soapbox Presents An Urban Art Show

The origin of Mercury Soapbox...

It came to me in a flash, like all great ideas do (thats what i hear). Why isn't there a place where everyones opinion has equal weight? Where people can learn to listen to one another?
you mean like the internet?
Like the internet but more real, more tangible, more inclusive. So the crossover magazine was born, but it needs readers and editors to flourish. Luckily for us our readers are our editors!
This blog will have stories, articles of interest, sneak peeks at cool new stuff, photos, and just general thoughts that need your opinion. So stay tuned, it's time to get on that soapbox and speak your mind!